Friday, September 20, 2013

10 Not So Every Day Uses For Every Day Items

In the home, most people don't always have the proper tools for every day issues that may arise. Little do they know that for most of these issues, they've had the tools all along in every day objects around the house! Here are the top 10 things we found that made us wonder, "Hey, why didn't we think of that?".

1. Use ice cubes to get rid of unsightly furniture dents in your carpet.
Let the ice cubes fully melt on their own, then gently use a kitchen spoon to lift the carpet fibers back up and leave to dry. 

2. Wrap aluminum foil around your door knob when painting for a close paint job without the hassle.
The foil molds to the shape of the knob and stays firmly in place until the job is done.

3. Use plastic cups and cardboard to store fragile ornaments.
Glue the bottoms of the cups to a sheet of cardboard that fits your container and never have to worry again about broken ornaments and messy holiday decorations.

4. Put ground cinnamon in your little one's sandbox to keep the bugs at bay.
Sprinkle about a cup and a half of ground cinnamon on the surface of the sandbox, then rake it into the top layer of sand for extra protection from pesky insects.

5.  Use a dust pan to help fill the things that don't fit in your sink.
No more struggling to fill large buckets for mopping the floors. Just place the dust pan in the sink and angle the bucket underneath.

6. Use a can opener to easily cut through tough plastic packaging.
Let's face it, plastic packaging has taken up hours of our lives trying to tear open. Use the can opener to get the job done in a fraction of the time.

7. Use baby powder to get the sand off after a fun beach day in the sun.
Simply rub the baby powder on your skin when you're done with the day and the sand rubs right off.

Just heat up a needle to poke holes in the lid and you've got a simple, inexpensive, and very handy way to water your inside or outside plants.

9. Use a cereal canister as a mini trash can in your car.
Put a plastic bag in the canister and be amazed at how easy it is to dispose of trash on the go.

10. Use an old pillow case to clean the blades of your ceiling fans.
Not only is the pillow case easy to wash right after, but it traps all the dust inside and saves you from breathing it in and brushing it all into the air.

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